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HSMP Services Fees Schedule

TIER 1 (GENERAL) Applications and TIER 1 (GENERAL) Extensions - Professional Fees Schedule

HSMP Immigration Services UK Ltd. is registered with and monitored by OISC (Office of Immigration Services Commissioner) UK and specialises in professional and immigration services related to initial TIER 1 (GENERAL) applications for the Highly Skilled individuals for UK Immigration, TIER 1 (GENERAL) Extension applications, Work Permits, Student Visas and Entry Clearance or UK Visa applications.

Our professional charges for Tier 1 (General) applications and Tier 1 (General) Extension applications are as under:

Application Type Postal Application Priority Application
Tier 1 Application within the UK Fees for Main Applicant
Additional Fees per Dependant applying at the same time
Elderly Dependant Family Member £1,500 -
Skilled Worker Application
Additional Fees per Dependant applying at the same time
Tier 2 Sponsor License Application £1,500 -
Indefinite Leave To Remain Fees £1,250 £1,500
Citizenship Application Fees £1,000 -
Student Visa Initial Application £650 -
Student Visa Extension Application
Additional Fees per Dependant
Graduate Route Application
Additional Fees per Dependant applying at the same time
Visit Visa Application £500 -
Initial Consulting Fee £50 -

VAT will be charged extra, if applicable

Home Office Fees OR Visa Fees and other costs to be paid separately.


Tier 1 (Post Study Work), Tier 1 (Investors) and Tier 1 (Entrepreneurs) Application charges are same as Tier 1 (General) Applications.

We do not take up the case unless we feel that you will be able to score the required points under New Tier 1 (General) for Highly Skilled Workers or existing HSMP scheme. We usually do not submit application unless we are confident about the case however; if you instruct us to go ahead with your application we will submit the same to Home Office at your risk.

Our professional fees will be payable in 2 parts. Initially you pay 50% when we take up the case and remaining 50% when we are ready to submit the Tier 1 Application. In the UK, remaining 50% is payable when we receive the approval from Home Office.

Tier 1 (General) Application fee in the UK is £750 and for all other countries it is £600 per person for main applicant as well as dependents, which is to be paid by you separately to Home Office in the UK or British High Commission in your country of residence respectively. If you are in not in the UK and have already received HSMP approval letter, which is still valid, you will need to pay £200 per application for main applicant as well as dependents.

If you are in the UK and can change status while in the UK, you will need to pay £350 fees to Home Office for you as well as dependents, if you have already received HSMP approval letter.

There will be Postage cost of £35, and if you are not in the UK, there will be courier charges to be paid by you for return of your original documents and HSMP Team's decision letter. These courier charges would be approximately £50, however they can be more if weight of the documents to be returned is more.

After 29 June 2008, if you are applying from outside the UK, you will need to personally visit the British High Commission or VFS in your Home Country to provide the biometric data. Since you will be directly submitting the application and receiving the decision directly, we would expect that you pay us remaining 50% of our fees before we send you the completed forms, cover letter and other explanatory statements.

'No Win - No Fees' is at our discretion and we will give you confirmation in writing if we are accepting your case under 'No Win - No Fees' basis. Even in such cases, you will need to pay initial 50% payment and if we receive refusal and if you do not wish to proceed with Review Requests, we will refund the amount paid to us after deducting postage / courier expenses.

In all other cases, if there is refusal for some reason and if you decide that you do not want to proceed with Review (which is similar to Appeal) we will refund 50% of what you have paid. We will deduct actual postage / courier expenses from this refund for return of your original documents to you.

However if you proceed with review then there is no refund from the initial fees paid but you will not be asked to pay remaining 50 % if the Tier 1 application is refused even after Administrative Review.

If you withdraw your application for any reason, there will be NO Refunds.

The fees above do not include the Application Fees or other Fees payable to Home Office or Work Permits UK or other organisations like NARIC - UK, Courier Services, Translation Agencies, Postages etc.

We will inform you about these additional costs / expenses you need to meet in respect of your Application and you will have the freedom to meet these expenses directly. Actually, we prefer that you make these payments directly wherever possible.

If you have any queries in this regards please contact us at hsmpservices @ and we will be happy to provide clarification.

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Questions About UK Visas or Immigration? Contact us Today!

Whether you are an individual looking to apply for a UK Visa / Entry Clearance Application from outside the UK or Leave to Remain / Extension application from within the UK, HSMP Immigration Services UK Ltd. will be happy to help. If you are an Employer wishing to apply for Sponsor License, we can help.

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